5 Tips to Make Your Application Shine

So you’ve decided to apply to be a FoodCorps AmeriCorps service member — hooray! Now comes the first big step in the process: submitting your application

Your application is how we first get to know you, and the most important piece in deciding whether you’ll move forward into the interview process. It’s crucial that your application is complete, comprehensive, and creative — but most importantly, that it’s uniquely you! 

Ready to get started? Here are five tips on making your FoodCorps application shine. 

1. Get familiar with the application. 

Just like it helps to plan your route before a long drive, it’s a good idea to look through the application before you dive in. Preview the application on our website and take some time to think through how you can apply your past experiences to FoodCorps service. For some of the short answer questions, it may be helpful to talk through your thoughts with a friend or loved one to gain some insights before you begin writing down your answers. 

2. Know what we’re looking for. 

A great FoodCorps service member is passionate about health, education, and serving their community. If that’s you, tell us! Familiarize yourself with our mission, our vision, and our service member eligibility requirements. It’s also good to know the skills of our strongest candidates: experience working with kids; a background in farming, gardening, or education; and a commitment to equity and racial justice in food systems. If you don’t have direct experience here, that’s okay; be creative and tell us how your experiences at school, at work, or at home relate to FoodCorps. 

3. Be specific. 

Many of our applicants have some experience volunteering or working with kids. We want to hear the details! Use your application to share the projects you worked on, your knowledge of the community where you hope to serve, and what you learned along the way. FoodCorps values non-traditional experience, like clubs you’re a part of, taking care of younger family members, or summer camp. You can even tell us a story about a specific pivotal moment or experience that inspired you to pursue this path and brought you to FoodCorps. The more specific, the better! 

4. Get personal. 

Your application is where we get to know what you care about and why you’re called to service. But we can’t find out unless you tell us! Use your written answers to share why serving with FoodCorps is the right path for you right now. Is it your passion for racial justice? Your desire to help your community recover from COVID? Whatever your reason, we want to hear about it. Remember: the most compelling candidates are those with a deep connection to the work. 

5. Give it a final read. 

Have you answered all the required questions? Listed references who can speak to your strengths? Proofread your application once (or even twice)? Time to send in your application! Remember that service member spots are filled on a rolling basis, so it’s a good idea to send your application in early. Good luck! 

Questions about the process? Feel free to reach out to [email protected]

Apply now!