Montana Standard: Local FoodCorps Inspires National Program

by Mike Dennison

HELENA – In the Flathead Lake community of Somers this year, two young women from New York and California built a garden that’s growing vegetables for the public school food service – and acting as Exhibit A in the school’s nutrition-education program.

In Red Lodge, a new worker hopes to set up a system where local farmers and ranchers will supply food to the school on a consistent basis.

And in Boulder, yet another food “foot soldier” is manning a school garden and running a Farmers’ Market booth that sells goods grown and baked by Boulder schoolchildren.

These are members of Montana’s FoodCorps, who’ve been quietly operating in cities and towns across Montana for five years now – and whose model has been adopted on the national level, with the launching this summer of a FoodCorps nationwide, in 10 states with 50 new workers.

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