The FoodCorps Lessons include hands-on experiential activities to engage kids in learning about healthy food. This suite of 96 lessons are for grades K-5, and are organized through this learning progression by grade, season and theme. The lessons are tied to national academic standards and were developed following Culturally Responsive Teaching, Place Based Learning and Social and Emotional Learning best practices and frameworks. Each lesson was developed with input from FoodCorps service members, community partners and resource specialists, and have been evaluated and updated to reflect recommendations from our community of food educators. This suite of lessons is intended to guide food and garden educators to spark inquiry and love for healthy food and should be adapted to reflect the needs, identity and culture of the community in which they are taught.
The lessons are evidence based and have been developed guided by the FoodCorps Healthy School Progress Report Practices found in the Healthy School Toolkit.
FoodCorps Lesson Progression
This FoodCorps Lesson Progression poster is a roadmap to illuminate the theory behind the sequencing of the ninety-six FoodCorps lessons. It shows how these lessons relate to and build upon one another to support students in developing increasingly sophisticated knowledge of and skills in the six themes listed below.
The lessons are organized by the following 6 themes to provide a framework to identify the central topic for each lesson.
Conceptual Themes to build student knowledge:
- Living up to Our Full Potential
- Making Healthy Food Choices
- Exploring the Ecology of Food
- Connecting to Food, Culture, and Community
Skills-focused themes to develop student skills in gardening, cooking, and accessing healthy foods:
View the FoodCorps Lesson Progression Poster here.
Videos of FoodCorps Lessons
Service members have recorded over 100 video lessons to support students with remote learning about healthy food and gardening. Many of these lessons include activities from FoodCorps Lessons. You can view them here!
FoodCorps Lessons by Theme
Lessons By Grade
Grade K
- Garden Explorations, Fall
- Mindful Tasting, Fall
- Up, Up, Up We Grow!, Fall
- Let Us Grow Lettuce!, Fall
- Veggie Wraps, Fall
- Fabulous Five, Fall
- Rainbow Smoothie, Winter
- Who Eats What?, Winter
- Bean Buddies, Winter
- From Beautiful Beans to Delicious Dip!, Winter
- Budding Tastes, Spring
- Perfect Parfaits, Spring
- Sunflower House, Spring
- Sunny Honey Seed Snacks, Spring
- People Who Feed Us, Spring
- Plant a Pizza, Spring
1st Grade
- Sensory Explorations, Fall
- Go, Grow, Glow, Fall
- Plant Part Scavenger Hunt, Fall
- Planting a Tops and Bottoms Bed, Fall
- Plant Part Wraps, Fall
- Tea Time, Fall
- The Great Balancing Act, Winter
- Plant Part Mystery, Winter
- Root-View Cups, Winter
- Go, Grow, Glow Quesadillas, Winter
- Wonders of Water, Spring
- Imaginary Plants, Spring
- Plant a Go, Grow, Glow Bed, Spring
- Tops and Bottoms Popsicles, Spring
- Our Food Traditions, Spring
- Looking Closely at Leaves, Spring
2nd Grade
- If Our Class Were a Soup . . . , Fall
- Eat a Rainbow, Fall
- Biodiversity in the Garden, Fall
- Plant a Rainbow, Fall
- Fun with Fruit Salad, Fall
- Saving Seeds, Fall
- What the World Eats, Winter
- How Seeds Travel, Winter
- Seed Tape, Winter
- Sauté, Winter
- A Rainbow at the Salad Bar, Spring
- Be a Bee!, Spring
- Planting for Beneficial Insects, Spring
- Rainbow Grain Salad, Spring
- Food Story Swap, Spring
- Insect Homes, Spring
3rd Grade
- All in for Applesauce, Fall
- Get to the Source, Fall
- That’s Life!, Fall
- Worm Bin Wonders, 3rd Grade, Fall
- Quick, Pickle That!, Fall
- Celebrating the Autumn Harvest, Fall
- Tortilla Time!, Winter
- Let’s Jam!, Winter
- Exploring Our Worm Bin, Winter
- Root Fruit Slaw, Winter
- Neighborhood Food Maps, Spring
- Breaking Down Rocks, Building Up Bread, Spring
- Planting the Three Sisters, Spring
- Whole Grain Crackers, Spring
- Life on the Farm, Spring
- Plant Families, Spring
4th Grade
- Food Memory Tourists, Fall
- Poetic Produce, Fall
- Get to Know a Crop, Fall
- Agents of Change, Fall
- Choose-Your-Own-Flavor Popcorn, Fall
- Getting to Know the Garden, Fall
- Becoming Cafeteria Mentors, Winter
- The World Travels of Food, Winter
- A Patchwork Garden Quilt, Winter
- Salad Dressing Challenge, Winter
- Learning from Our Elders, Spring
- Food Packaging, Spring
- Garden Grids, Spring
- Reimagined Snacks, Spring
- Mealtime Traditions Around the World, Spring
- Plant a Salsa Bed!, Spring
5th Grade
- Full Potential Manifesto, Fall
- What’s in My Salsa?, Fall
- What Do Plants Eat?, Fall
- Seasonal Food Wheels, Fall
- Green Sauce Around the World, Fall
- Putting the Garden to Bed, Fall
- The Secret Strategies of Food Advertising, Winter
- Web of Life, Winter
- Changemakers, Winter
- Stone Soup, Winter
- Sugar Showdown, Spring
- Cycle of a Nutrient, Spring
- Break It Down, Spring
- Rolling into Spring, Spring
- Gratitude Feast, Spring
- Rotting Away, Day by Day, Spring