FoodCorps Opposes USDA’s Proposal to Impede Access to School Meals

At FoodCorps, we partner with 350 schools to connect kids to healthy food, helping ensure all kids are well-nourished and ready to learn. Our partner schools teach and mentor many kids who need more access to food—whose families often have to make the hard choice of paying bills or putting food on the table. Schools often bridge the gap for kids, providing access to free and reduced-price meals.

This week, the USDA announced a new plan that would undermine the federal SNAP program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, and potentially cut nutrition assistance for more than three million Americans. And because of certain automatic eligibility provisions, the proposal would also impede access to school meals for an estimated 300,000 kids.

Research has shown that access to free and/or reduced-price nutritious meals at school allows kids to stay engaged and learn, ensuring their future success. Removing this access would have the most detrimental impact on families who struggle to make ends meet.  

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