Apply for a Grant: Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program

foodcorps service member teaching a hands-on lesson in the garden

We are ecstatic to help spread the word about a new USDA grant opportunity – the Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program. FoodCorps worked with Congress to establish the program in the 2014 Farm Bill and has been working since then to obtain funding for it.  Congress provided $1m in funding in the FY18 federal spending bill. For FY19 and beyond, we will continue to advocate for this funding stream – and will be asking our network to raise their voice with their elected officials as well.

The Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program will provide much-needed funds for initiatives that deliver hands-on nutrition and food education, promote farm to school, and improve school food environments to help kids grow up healthy.  

There are a wide variety of eligible applicants – from non-profit organizations to research institutions.  The grants are intended for applicants to scale up existing farm to school, food, and agriculture experiential learning programs. Applicants should also add to existing activities or include new activities such as training and technical assistance, evaluation, and curriculum development. Or incorporate farm to school strategies in trainings and professional opportunities while working closely with local agricultural producers. Read the Request for Applications (RFA) for full details.

Applications are due Monday, July 9.

Apply for Grant

Read the Request for Applications