The Results Are In!

Last month, Stephanie and I conducted taste tests of apples at Frankfort Elementary, Platte River Elementary and Interlochen Community School. All three taste tests were a hit! See the results below:

Our month began on Wednesday, October 15 at Frankfort Elementary where the students sampled baked apples with cinnamon prepared by their Food Service Director, Jenna Noffsinger

.Baked Apples Taste Test Results

Mikaela with food service worker at Frankfort Elementary
We love and appreciate our food service workers — thank you for all you do for Frankfort Elementary!



On Thursday, October 21st, the students at Platte River Elementary tasted apple crisp!

Apple Crisp Taste Test Results


I LOVE IT! Serve it more often :)
A student asked Stephanie to borrow a pen before she cast her vote — this is what she added!

Closing out the taste tests for the month, students at Interlochen Community school voted on baked apples prepared by Stephanie and I after trying them on Thursday, October 29th.

baked apples results

Baked Apples prepared by Stephanie and Mikaela for the taste test
Baked Apples prepared by Stephanie and Mikaela for the taste test
Thank you for all the work you do at Interlochen Community School!
Thank you for all the work you do at Interlochen Community School!
A group of students felt compelled to write a letter to their Food Service Director and Dietitian!
A group of students felt compelled to write a letter to their Food Service Director and Dietitian!
Second part of the student letter
Second part of the student letter

For November? We’re coming for you, winter squash!