Healthy Food is a Right, Not a Privilege

Dear Friend of FoodCorps,

Now is an important time for us all to make a bold statement and assert our priorities. Do you believe, like we do, that every child deserves to know what healthy food is, where it comes from and have access to it every day? That healthy food should be a fundamental right, and not a privilege?

Join us in taking a stand for healthy food. When you purchase this limited edition t-shirt, you’re supporting FoodCorps’ work to ensure every child—regardless of race, place or class—has the essential building blocks for a healthy and productive future.

Take a stand

We’re offering it for just two weeks, and we wouldn’t want you to miss it. Tell the world how you feel about healthy food!

Buy now

Thank you,

Cecily Upton
Co-founder and VP of Innovation and Strategic Partnerships

P.S. Know a friend who also believes healthy food is a right not a privilege? Forward this to them so you can be twinsies, both rocking a FoodCorps shirt!