Para leer esta información en español clic 10 consejos para que su familia sea más activa y 10 consejos para que los adultos incluyan actividad física en su estilo de vida
Spring is underway in New Jersey and with the change in season, many begin to emerge from their homes to get active. Though there are numerous ways to stay active during inclement weather, spring and summer are great times to take advantage of multiple outdoor events and outings.
We all lead busy lives yet there are many ways to increase physical activity. Here are my (lucky) seven favorite ways to be active at home or work (or for me, service!):
- Drive less and bicycle or walk more
- Run in place and do some squats or push-ups during commercial breaks
- Play with the kids: puddling splashing and silly dancing preferred!
- Clean the house (I love playing music or listening to NPR while I clean)
- Take a brisk 10 minute walking break during lunch
- Public transportation!
- Gardening… of course 🙂
What are your favorite ways to be active? Share your own activities on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and use the hastag #GimmeFive as we continue celebrating Let’s Move!’s 5th anniversary. Also, use #getoutandgarden with all your gardening posts (with FoodCorps, too!).
More tips on increasing physical activity and the benefits of physical activity