FoodCorps is proud to be making a measurable difference for students and schools

About 73% of FoodCorps schools had measurably healthier school food environments by the end of the school year, and in schools with more of FoodCorps’ hands-on learning activities, children are eating up to three times as many fruits and vegetables.

We are grateful to the Walmart Foundation for their support of this important piece of our work.

We measure:

Changes in Behavior


Students in FoodCorps schools with more hands-on learning activities are eating up to three times the amount of fruits and vegetables as students who receive less of that hands-on learning, according to a study of 20 schools from 2015-2016. 

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We measure:

Changes in Attitude


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students will finish out the year improving their attitude towards vegetables, trying new ones, or maintaining their high regard for them if they already liked them.



We measure:

Changes in Schools


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of schools that FoodCorps serves were measurably healthier school food environments by the end of this year.




We measure:

Partner Perspectives


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of FoodCorps stakeholders (like sites, schools, and partners) reported being “very satisfied” with FoodCorps’ service at their school. Bottom line: the people we work with find our presence valuable.

Our impact last year:

  • 167,000



  • 500



  • 3,200


    Taste Tests & Promotions

  • 3,900



Stories of Impact
