From the Hoop House to the Salad Bar


It’s (actually!) starting to warm up and look like spring way up here at the tip of the mitt! And spring temperatures bring bright, bushy, green spinach leaves ready for harvesting.

Spinach starts donated from a local farm, Bear Creek Organic Farm, were transplanted into Boyne Falls’ school hoop house in early April by our very own chef, Food Service Director, and hoop house caretaker (a do-it-all kind of guy!), Nathan Bates.

After one to two months of care, the occasional frost scare, visits from our littlest gardeners and more, the spinach was harvested with one destination in site-the school’s salad bar! Less than 50 steps from the hoop house door. Talk about decreasing food miles!

Chef Nate washed and prepared the spinach into a delicious spinach salad enjoyed by students, teachers and staff. We can’t wait to see what comes out of the hoop house and into the salad bar next!